Finding Directions
Finding Directions: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, South Seeking End of a Magnet, The Magnetic Compass, Methods to Make a Magnet and North Seeking End of a Magnet etc.
Important Questions on Finding Directions
What are the precautions to be taken while making a magnet?
How should the unlike poles of a magnet should be kept while manufacturing magnets?
What are the conditions that the magnet might get damaged?
What are the precautions to be taken while making a magnet?
Magnets should be kept in pairs with unlike poles on same side.
In which direction does a freely suspended magnet aligns?
Name the type of temporary magnet which attains magnetism by the passage of electricity.
Gold and copper can be used to made a magnet.
Magnets are made from alloys of iron, cobalt and nickel.
Magnetic compass is an application of _____ property of the magnet.
Rubbing a magnet over a needle can convert the needle into a _____.
Magnet always points towards which directions?(North-South/East-West)
Name a temporary magnet. (Electromagnet/Alnico)
A magnetic _____ is a device, which is used to find directions with the help of a magnetised needle.
In which direction a freely suspended magnet comes to rest?
Which instrument based on the property of magnets is used to find directions?
A compass consists of an electric needle, which rotates freely.
Name the instrument used to find directions. (Choose from : Magnetic compass or Sun-dial).
A freely suspended bar magnet aligns itself in the north-south direction.
Give an activity to convert a sewing needle into a magnet.